Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Givenchy at the Ballet

Every year, my family and I have a tradition of going to see the Nutcracker ballet in December.  This year I actually got around to making my own dress to wear, mostly because I got very sick and that time away from work freed me up to make the dress.  When I set out to choose what to make I decided to make a dress I have always loved and would be perfect for a night of magic at the ballet.  I am talking about the beautiful Givenchy for McCall's dress 3625. 

Not having the money to buy a pattern that starts at around $160 and can go all the way up to $300 I drafted the pattern myself.  After several weeks and several muslins I had a pattern that I was happy with.  I love the pink in the picture, but it's not really a good color for me so I decided on a midnight blue silk.  I had ordered samples from Mood of three different silks I was considering but being partly delirious from the flu I didn't give myself enough time to receive the samples and then order fabric, and I had to come up with something quick.  Joann's is the only local fashion fabric store I have near by, so I went to see what they had.  Luckily they always carry some rather beautiful cotton sateens, including one in the exact shade of midnight blue I wanted!

Putting the dress together wasn't very difficult, it was the facing along the bodice that was a little tricky.  I ended up sewing the facing on by machine part way, under stitching that and after turning and pressing I hand stitched the rest.  I am rather happy with the results. 

I didn't have enough time to make the petticoat, so i wore it without it to the ballet, but the last picture shows it with a borrowed petticoat that was a little too short for the skirt but I wanted to show the effect.  It is also why the hem looks higher in the back in that pic, 'cause I was too lazy to redo it before I took the pic.  And please excuse the ripples at the bust, the dress form I had it on was many sizes smaller than me and she just didn't have the bust to hold up the bodice;)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Gertie's New Book

I just pre-ordered Gerite's New Book for Better Sewing on Amazon
I am a big fan and follower of her website, love what she makes and how much information she supplies with her tutorials.  If you love to sew, you are probably already a follower of her blog, but if you want to learn how to sew there is probably no one better to learn from then Gertie so go check out her blog and pre-order her book.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Casablanca 70th Anniversery

This week is the 70th Anniversery of the release of Casablanca, which in my opinion is the best movie ever made.  To celebrate they are re-releasing the movie in theaters this Wendsday March 21 across the nation.  Don't miss your chance to see the ultimate classic once again on the silver screen.



I was going to reveal myself for the big sap that I am and add a clip of "As Time Goes By" but instead I 'm going to post one of my favorite moments in the film.  Claude Raines rocks!

Okay, I am a sap, so here is the "We'll always have Paris" scene too


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ahh! Oxygen!

image from wikipedia

I went to the beautiful Conservatory this weekend.  It is a beautiful structure, built in the late 19th century that looks like something out of a fairy tale.  They always have something going on, cocktails on Thursdays, Blooms and Butterfiles, the permenant Chihuly sculptures, Savage Gardens and more including an up coming exhibit featuring the works of Aurora Robson (find out more about here work here)
image copyright NomadicNester

Right now they have an Orchid Exhibit showing through April, and I snapped over 300 pictures! Yikes.

Beautiful flowers everywhere.  After the room with the orchids you enter the Palm Room, which smelled so clean and simple and beautiful I just said "Ahhhhhhhh."  Then I realized that there are no flowers in the Palm Room and the beautiful "sent" I was breathing in was just massive quanities of pure oxygen.  Oxygen undiluted (or rather unpolluted) by exhast from cars and buildings and chemicals and such.  At this point I thought 'why would anyone live in a house with walls and small windows?  Why not just live in a conservatory?  You would have green trees and plants producing oxygen for you, citrus trees and herbs to eat, a couple beds of tomatoes, and a ceiling that showed the whole sky everyday (and to sleep under the stars at night).'  (Though, I suppose the bedrooms should be off to the side with a real roof, just so lighting storms and full moons didn't keep you up at night;)


Slán go fóill


Monday, November 28, 2011

Cyber Monday

Check out my etsy shops for cyber monday discounts of up to 20% off



For NomadicNester readers only enter coupon code NOMADIC for an extra 10% off

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Vintage Visions 5: Rita Hayworth singing

Rita Hayworth

So completely gorgeous!
This is what people mean when they say somthing is achingly beautiful.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011